On the 26th of November 2023, six of us embarked on a delightful excursion to Vandalur Zoo, creating memories that will undoubtedly linger in our hearts. The group comprised three individuals from Bhutan, including myself, and three friends from Myanmar. The camaraderie and shared excitement heightened the anticipation as we set out for a day of relaxation and exploration, a welcome break from our ITEC program activities at NITTTR.
Situated just 26.66 kilometers from NITTTR, Vandalur Zoo beckoned us with promises of a diverse array of wildlife and the prospect of reconnecting with nature. The journey itself became a part of the adventure, with animated conversations and laughter filling the air as we traveled to the zoo. The cost of the trip, approximately 2000 Rupees with an entrance fee of 1200 Rupees for all of us, made it a budget-friendly escapade.