Walnut n Handnail
During my childhood, the act of cracking a walnut or trimming my nails after sunset, whether indoors or outdoors, was never sanctioned. Despite this, I clandestinely attempted to crack walnuts on numerous occasions, often during unconventional hours. However, the pervasive belief held by my parents and shared by many others cast a haunting shadow over my endeavors, dissuading me from pursuing them. This belief asserted that cracking walnuts or trimming nails after sunset symbolized a grievous act akin to bringing harm to one's parents and inviting misfortune. Regardless of my personal stance on this conviction, I have refrained from cracking a single walnut after sunset until this moment. Presently, I comprehend the underlying rationale, freeing myself from the grip of superstition.
Empty containers
During the early hours of the morning, the sight of vacant containers is believed to herald unfortunate circumstances for the observer. During my days as a student, my thoughts were consistently preoccupied by this particular superstition. Consequently, I would often find myself fervently hoping that the presence of empty containers wouldn't disrupt my morning disposition. However, it was inevitable that I would occasionally cross paths with individuals carrying vacuous containers at daybreak, consequently unsettling my frame of mind on numerous occasions. The recollection of the various negative outcomes that I endured upon encountering vacant baskets or containers lingers vividly in my memory, serving to reinforce my preoccupation with this superstitious notion. Conversely, encountering individuals with containers brimming with contents was believed to attract favorable fortune, and I have indeed encountered a few instances that seemed to validate this belief. Remarkably, even now, I find myself still subscribing to this superstitious belief.
Encountering a monkey in the early hours of the morning is believed by many forebears to herald unfortunate outcomes. The endeavors undertaken throughout the day, according to this belief, are destined to be fraught with failure. Personal experiences have reinforced my adherence to this notion. To illustrate, during two separate occasions of interviewing in Thimphu, my path intersected with a congregation of monkeys atop Thinleygang, resulting in unsuccessful interviews on both occasions. Thus, my mind has become ingrained with this particular superstition.
Threatening to Resign
1 week ago