Sunday, May 26, 2024

Reflecting on the Mega Festival 2024 in Thimphu


The Mega Festival held from the 21st to the 25th of 2024 at Changlingmethang platform in Thimphu, Bhutan's capital city, was an event that garnered significant attention and attendance. Spanning five consecutive days, the festival featured a wide array of talented bands and performers who showcased their indigenous skills in singing, dancing, and rapping. The event ran from 6 PM to 3:30 AM daily and attracted a diverse crowd, predominantly composed of youth. While the festival provided a vibrant and enjoyable experience for many, it also raised several concerns regarding public behavior and the overall impact on the community. This journal aims to reflect on the festival, considering both its positive aspects and the challenges it posed, and to provide insights into how future events can be better managed.

Setting and Atmosphere

The Changlingmethang platform served as an ideal venue for the Mega Festival, offering ample space for the large crowds that gathered each evening. The atmosphere was electric, with excitement palpable in the air as attendees anticipated the performances. The stage was set up to highlight the talents of local bands, with professional lighting and sound systems enhancing the overall experience. Food stalls and merchandise vendors lined the periphery, adding to the festive ambiance.


The festival's lineup was a testament to the rich cultural heritage and contemporary talent within Bhutan. Bands and solo artists performed a mix of traditional Bhutanese music and modern genres, creating a diverse and engaging program. Each night, audiences were treated to a variety of acts, from soulful ballads and energetic dance routines to thought-provoking rap performances. The artists not only entertained but also celebrated Bhutanese culture, infusing their performances with indigenous elements that resonated with the audience.

 Attendance and Demographics

The festival attracted people from various backgrounds, though the majority of attendees were youth. This demographic trend is indicative of the festival's appeal to younger generations, who are often more inclined towards contemporary music and cultural events. The entry fee of Nu. 500 per person was relatively affordable, making the festival accessible to a wide audience.

Positive Impacts

Cultural Promotion and Talent Showcase

One of the most significant benefits of the Mega Festival was its role in promoting Bhutanese culture and providing a platform for local talent. The event highlighted the artistic abilities of young performers, giving them a stage to share their work with a larger audience. This not only helped to preserve and promote indigenous arts but also encouraged the development of new forms of creative expression.

Community Engagement and Enjoyment

The festival fostered a sense of community by bringing people together in a shared space to enjoy music and culture. For many attendees, it was an opportunity to relax, unwind, and socialize with friends and family. The communal aspect of the event contributed to its success, as it created a positive and inclusive environment where people could connect and celebrate together.

Economic Benefits

From an economic perspective, the festival likely generated significant revenue. With an entry fee of Nu. 500 per person and thousands of attendees over the five days, the income from ticket sales alone would have been substantial. Additionally, local vendors and businesses benefited from the increased foot traffic and sales opportunities. This economic boost is an important consideration, as it supports local enterprises and contributes to the overall prosperity of the community.

Challenges and Concerns: Public Behavior and Safety

Despite the many positive aspects of the festival, there were notable concerns regarding public behavior, particularly related to substance use. The presence of empty cans and cigarette butts littering the ground indicated that many attendees were consuming alcohol and smoking in the open air. This behavior not only posed health and safety risks but also detracted from the overall experience for non-smokers and those who prefer a more family-friendly environment.

Ethical Considerations

The open use of intoxicants and the lack of enforcement of regulations around smoking raised ethical questions about the festival's management. While it is important to provide spaces for enjoyment and relaxation, it is equally crucial to ensure that such events are conducted responsibly and ethically. The festival's organizers and stakeholders must be held accountable for maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all attendees.

Impact on Youth

Given that the majority of the festival's attendees were young people, the observed behaviors and lack of regulation around substance use are particularly concerning. Young individuals are impressionable, and the normalization of such behaviors at public events can have long-term negative effects on their attitudes and habits. It is essential to create environments that promote healthy and positive behaviors, especially for the younger generation.

Lessons and Recommendations for Future Events

Enhanced Regulation and Enforcement

To address the issues of public behavior and safety, future festivals should implement stricter regulations and enforcement measures. This could include designated smoking areas, increased security presence to monitor and manage intoxicated individuals, and clear guidelines on acceptable behavior. Ensuring that these measures are communicated effectively to attendees is also crucial.

Promoting Positive Behaviors

Festival organizers should prioritize the promotion of positive behaviors and create an environment that supports the well-being of all attendees. This could involve providing more activities and attractions that do not revolve around substance use, such as interactive cultural exhibits, workshops, and family-friendly entertainment options.

Community Involvement and Feedback

Engaging the community in the planning and execution of the festival can help ensure that it meets the needs and expectations of all attendees. Seeking feedback from past participants and involving local stakeholders in decision-making processes can provide valuable insights and improve the overall experience. Additionally, educational campaigns highlighting the importance of responsible behavior and the impact of substance use can help shift attitudes and encourage more positive conduct.

Emphasizing Cultural and Ethical Values

While it is important to create spaces for enjoyment and entertainment, it is equally vital to emphasize the cultural and ethical values that underpin such events. This includes promoting respect for the environment, consideration for others, and a commitment to the well-being of the community. By fostering a sense of shared responsibility and ethical conduct, festivals can become more meaningful and impactful experiences for all involved.


The Mega Festival 2024 in Thimphu was a vibrant and culturally rich event that provided a valuable platform for local talent and fostered community engagement. However, it also highlighted several challenges related to public behavior and the ethical management of large-scale events. By reflecting on these experiences and implementing lessons learned, future festivals can be improved to ensure they are safe, inclusive, and ethically conducted. The goal should be to create events that not only entertain but also inspire and uplift the community, promoting positive values and behaviors that benefit everyone.

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