Monday, December 04, 2023

Journal Entry - Cyclone MICHAUNG

Journal Entry - 04/12/2023
Today marked an unexpected turn of events as the Government of Tamil Nadu, through G.O. Ms.No.751 dt., declared a public holiday under the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881. The reason behind this unusual declaration was the looming threat of Cyclonic Storm 'MICHAUNG.' The storm, a formidable force of nature, had prompted authorities to take swift action in ensuring the safety of the public.
In line with the government's directive, the Director of the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) in Chennai promptly announced the closure of the institute for the day, acknowledging the severity of the situation. This decision aimed to prevent unnecessary risks and potential harm to the students and staff.

The term 'Michaung,' proposed by Myanmar, symbolises strength and resilience. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) is responsible for managing the rotating name lists assigned to each tropical cyclone basin.
The cyclonic storm 'Michaung' is active and likely to intensify further over the Bay of Bengal into a severe cyclonic storm.

The cyclonic storm, 'MICHAUNG,' was anticipated to make its presence felt by midnight, according to verbal information shared by friends. However, I was blissfully unaware as I was in a deep slumber. It wasn't until around 4:00 AM that I was roused from my sleep, only to be greeted by the awareness of the cyclonic situation that had unfolded outside.

As I tried to grasp the gravity of the situation, I learned that some of our friends had taken proactive measures, packing their belongings and preparing for potential emergencies. The irony, however, lay in the fact that there was limited refuge to seek, given the imminent danger lurking outside. The decision to stay indoors seemed to be the safest course of action.

Morning unveiled a scene of chaos as heavy rain accompanied by high-speed winds battered the area relentlessly. The cyclonic storm showed no signs of relenting, maintaining its ferocity throughout the day. It was during breakfast that we witnessed the relentless force of nature, a spectacle both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

In the midst of the turmoil, my thoughts turned to the traditional beliefs associated with such natural calamities. I found myself silently praying, invoking the names of protective deities. "I pray for Kuenchogsum to calm down the vigorous water and wind elements," I murmured, seeking solace in the hope that divine intervention could bring an end to the tempest.

Furthermore, I invoked the spirit of Gheynyen, seeking strength to endure the challenging circumstances without succumbing to despair. In times of adversity, drawing upon faith and spiritual resilience can provide a sense of comfort and fortitude.

As the day unfolded, the cyclonic storm continued its onslaught, a reminder of the uncontrollable forces of nature. It served as a stark illustration of our vulnerability in the face of such elements, prompting reflection on the need for preparedness and resilience in the unpredictable journey of life.

The unexpected public holiday and the cyclonic storm 'MICHAUNG' brought a day of both challenge and reflection. It served as a stark reminder of the power of nature and the importance of unity and preparedness in facing unforeseen circumstances. The hope for a calmer tomorrow is lingered, and the collective resilience of the community stood as a testament to the strength found in solidarity during trying times. Heavy rains, clogging water and storms continues.......... Your prayers needed here. 

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