Sunday, March 10, 2024

Journal Entry: Civil Service Marathon 2024

Date: March 9, 2024

As I reflect on the today's event, participating in the Civil Service Marathon 2024, I am filled with a mixture of pride and concern. The main objective of this marathon was clear from its inception 2019- to promote the health and well-being of civil servants. It's a noble cause, one that resonates deeply with me and many others who took part in this endeavor.

The organizers had meticulously planned the marathon, dividing 408 participants into three categories to accommodate participants of different demographics. Women were identified with pink number tags, men under the age of 54 with yellow tags, and veterans aged 54 and above with red tags. This categorization not only added a sense of inclusivity but also allowed for fair competition within each group.

The flag-off ceremony was a moment of anticipation and excitement. As a participant in the yellow category, I eagerly awaited the start of the race. At exactly 7:00 AM, the yellow category commenced, followed by the pink and red categories five and ten minutes later. The route was laid out, stretching from Changlingmithang to 200 meters below Thimphu city welcome gate for the yellow category, covering a total distance of 15 kilometers (to and from). The pink and red categories had a slightly shorter route, spanning 10 kilometers from Changlingmithang Stadium to a U-turn near Dawa Store Babesa.

As I embarked on the marathon, the crisp morning air filled me with a sense of determination. The streets were lined with fellow participants, each driven by their own motivations. Some sought personal achievement, while others aimed to set new records. For me, it was about investing in my health, embracing the opportunity to push my limits and strengthen my resilience.

The journey was both physically and mentally demanding. With each stride, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, propelling me forward. Yet, amidst the exhilaration, there lingered a subtle sense of apprehension. Running alongside the highway posed a risk, as the continuous flow of vehicles emitted CO2 gas and exhaust fumes. Despite efforts to mitigate these concerns, the reality of exposure to harmful pollutants was unavoidable.

As I pushed through the kilometers, my thoughts oscillated between the euphoria of progress and the nagging worry of environmental hazards. The sight of fellow runners, determined and unwavering, served as a source of inspiration. We were united in our pursuit of a common goal, transcending the physical boundaries of the race itself.

Upon reaching the turnaround point, I found myself consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. Fatigue weighed heavy on my limbs, yet a sense of accomplishment buoyed my spirits. I had completed the first half of the marathon, marking a significant milestone in my personal journey towards better health.

The return leg was both a test of endurance and a testament to resilience. With each step, I pushed myself to go further, to defy the limitations of my own perceived capabilities. The cheers of spectators echoed in the distance, fueling my determination to cross the finish line.

As I finally approached the Changlingmithang Stadium, a wave of relief washed over me. The journey was arduous, yet undeniably rewarding. Crossing the finish line, I was greeted with a sense of pride and satisfaction. I had conquered the marathon, not just in terms of distance, but in the pursuit of personal growth and well-being.

The post-race festivities were a celebration of our collective achievements. Prizes were awarded to the winners by esteemed guests, including Dasho Secretary RCSC, Health Minister Tandin Wangchuk, and a representative from the World Health Organization. The vibrant energy of the event was further amplified by the captivating performances of students from Zilukha Middle Secondary School.

As I reflect on the day's events, I am reminded of the importance of initiatives like the Civil Service Marathon. It's not just about crossing the finish line, but about the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. However, amidst the triumphs, there are lessons to be learned and challenges to be addressed.

The issue of environmental pollution, particularly from vehicular emissions, cannot be overlooked. While the marathon provided a platform for physical activity and community engagement, the unintended exposure to harmful pollutants poses a significant health risk. Moving forward, it is imperative that organizers prioritize the safety and well-being of participants by exploring alternative routes or implementing measures to mitigate environmental hazards.

In conclusion, the Civil Service Marathon 2024 was a memorable endeavor, marked by moments of triumph and introspection. It served as a reminder of the importance of investing in our health and embracing opportunities for personal growth. As we look towards the future, let us continue to strive for excellence while prioritizing the well-being of both individuals and communities.

This serves as a testament to my experience and serves as a call to action for future events to prioritize health and safety above all else.

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